The Battle Ahead Requires Decision Makers and An Arsenal of Cybersecurity Talent

We bring  thirty -years of government experience and capabilities that transforms, modernizes, and secures technologies and infrastructure.

Improving Workforce Readiness Beyond Skillsets

Our workforce readiness approach ensures executive managers strike the right information and roadmap to drive cyber protection.
This inclusive approach helps executive leadership become “human firewalls” and execute best practices. While focusing on developing workforce skills is necessary, it’s just one obstacle in challenging workforce readiness and market demands. The cybersecurity landscape changes rapidly, and executive managers are challenged to upskill their staff and cybersecurity approach.
Through the SEMAIS “Workforce Readiness” program, executive management can develop actionable plans and solutions that reduce risk and develop a “hacker-minded” staff. It extends cybersecurity training into personalized learning, leadership, and a holistic defense model. It also encourages executive managers to understand the growth mindset culture and enhance engagement strategies.

Cybersecurity for Executive Managers and Decision-Makers

Creating a cybersecure organization is essential for every enterprise. Cybersecurity is not just the responsibility of the Chief Information Security Officer; it requires the involvement of all executives. To stay ahead of cyber threats, a commitment to building a cybersecurity culture is vital. This training is tailored for executive managers, including IT and security directors, CISOs, CIOs, CTOs, CEOs, and federal roles like ISSOs and Security Managers. Participants will learn to effectively lead cybersecurity initiatives and implement practical techniques to enhance their cybersecurity programs, focusing on cyber visibility, operational resilience, and key strategies for protection.

Learning Objectives


Cybersecurity for Executive Management (Seminar)
Cybersecurity for Executive Management (Seminar)

Vulnerability Management for Executive Leadership

A critical aspect of managing cybersecurity risks is having a strategic approach to vulnerability remediation. Organizations should prioritize vulnerabilities using risk-based processes and data-driven metrics. SEMAIS offers a training program, “Vulnerability Management Lifecycle for Executive Leadership,” designed for decision-makers such as IT Directors, CISOs, CIOs, and Security Managers. This workshop emphasizes the systemic process of vulnerability management, aligning management, operational, and technical approaches. It covers governance strategies, Current State Analysis (CSA), developing remediation plans, and risk prioritization. The training equips executives with insights to enhance visibility into their vulnerability management programs, improve cyber protection, operational resilience, and how to address security flaws.

Learning Objectives


Vulnerability Management for Executive Leadership (Seminar)
Vulnerability Management for Executive Leadership  (Workshop)

Executive Leadership Certification Offered

Gain your DoD Level 3 and NICE Framework CISSP certification
Semais has partnered with the Department of Homeland Security National Initiative for Cyber Security Education (NICE) program as a preferred vendor. Our partnership provides flexible resources and an avenue for executive management to develop their skill sets and stay competitive in the technology market. As a partner with NICE, Semais is committed to cultivating an integrated workforce that models the nation’s plans, goals, and workforce requirements.
Using the NICE Framework as a fundamental reference, Semais can also help improve the communication needed to identify, recruit, and develop talent. The NICE Framework employs focused, consistent language in professional development programs, in the use of industry certifications and academic credentials, and in the selection of relevant training opportunities for their workforce.



Value Added Service

Cyber Planning

Executive managers must plan cybersecurity or fail cybersecurity. Come and learn how to plan cybersecurity engagements.

Cyber Protection

Do you know what’s on your enterprise? Our value-added training will teach you to identify blindspots.

Cybersecurity Maturity

Maturity is about you and hackers. We provide aveneues for you to understand your maturity state.

Workforce Readiness

Your staff has to be trained and equipped. This is where we can help progress the workforce and “beat hackers” to the finish line

Award & Certifications

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